Hi, I am Ashley. I am 40+. I am a mom to a tweenage boy, wife, mobile software engineer and extremely busy. I live in the metro Atlanta area. I work from home. My home is always messy. I have two dogs. Love my pets like family. I am a novice at most things that I find fascinating, but that won’t stop me from sharing what I do accomplish and learning from those who have had more experience!

Growing up I didn’t always have all the resources to learn and experience things, but my midlife “crisis” is to put some of those interests and dreams into action. I invite you to learn with me and observe as I grow.

What interests me?

  • Nature/Outdoors (Level: Intermediate)
  • RV life/Camping/Traveling (Level: Intermediate)
  • Mobile Software Engineering (Level: Expert)
  • Self compassion and Meditation (Level: Intermediate)
  • Kayaking (Level: Intermediate)
  • Point and Click Photography (Level: Expert, lol)
  • Animals/Volunteering (Level: Novice)
  • World of Warcraft (Level: Classic/Expert; Retail/Intermediate)
  • Blogging (Level: Intermediate)